It's a future filled with kingdoms, crystals, magic and mecha.
In Broken Blade, two kingdoms clash for reasons that aren't entirely clear (just like the real world, eh). And in battle, the military's weapon of choice are these human-piloted giant robots. But unlike your usual mecha, these robots are controlled by crystals and "magic" (not the kind where in you conjure's something closer to something like telekinesis.)
In fact, any kind of machinery in this world, including guns, are powered by "magic".
And once in a blue moon, there are people who are born without "magic" (these misfits are called unsorcerers), rendering them powerless to maneuver any kind of machinery.
Enter Rygart...former schoolmate and dear friend to the King whose country is under siege. Rygart is an unsorcerer. He is invited by the king and queen to look at an ancient mecha that was dug up by the government.
To make a long story short, the mecha from the ancient times uses traditional technology (something the future world doesn't understand). And Rygart who accidentally ends up in the old mecha's cockpit becomes its first "registered" user in a very long time. This old mecha is infinitely superior to the newer mechas--but controlling it is quite a hassle.
This narrative element drives the whole story arc into interesting and entertaining places.
Broken Blade treats mechas as weapons and nothing more. Ironically, this treatment gives the mechas their personality in many ways. In this anime mechas break and are actually repaired on a regular basis.
On that merit alone, we must conclude by saying that this is probably one of the best mecha-based animes of all time.
Go get it!