No. The picture of the building in the “About” page merely represents how the people running this site see themselves as. That's the effect of watching too close to the TV. They were bombarded with too much TV radiation as kids. There’s no hope for them.
2.) Does the Anime Institute blog accept sponsorships?
Absolutely. Kindly e-mail Mori or Nito, please.
3.) Is the Anime Institute a traditional institute?
Nay. It's something so much more than that. It is something fantastical--a Disneyland of fun and thrilling anime opinions. It is a blogazine that views the anime industry through the colorful prism of child-like enthusiasm. wonder it looks a bit fuzzy and blurred sometimes.
4.) Who are the experts who helm your blog?
Experts? Experts!
You can put any anime on the table, cut it up, analyze it--use every trick in the critics handbook but ultimately, you'll still end up using "emotional take-away" as the main factor in formulating your opinions. Stories aren’t made to be dissected. Yeah!
Okay, those first 5 sentences were a lame way of saying the Institute does not have professional critics.
And although both Nito and Mori have a little bit of a background in visual communications, they are first and foremost fans of good storytelling. This blog simply processes and packs their opinions and stories into quick-bite morsels for the perpetually feature-hungry anime fan. (Or for curious anime addicts suffering from extremely short attention spans)
So, experts? There are enough experts online. You guys. Le audience--as the French would say.
5.) What if we don’t believe the opinions on this blog?
In a perfect world, the god or deity you worship should smite you on the spot. But sadly, the world is not perfect. So, shucks on that one.
Kidding aside, this blog exists to broaden your anime horizons not brainwash you. So, cherish your opinions, dust ém and shine ém from time to time—just make sure to keep those minds open. But if this blog does brainwash you…great!
6.) Can we request this blog to review some anime titles?
Sure. Just send an e-mail with your request. ( And a duffel bag stuffed with cash amounting to
$1, 000, 000, 000)
$1, 000, 000, 000)
7.) Which came first—the chicken or the egg?
This is a tough one. But after careful deliberation, the Institute has come to the conclusion that it’s neither. You see, after hours of diligent research, they discovered that what came first was actually a single-celled organism…billions of years ago.
8.) Will engaging in strenuous exercises after a meal cause appendicitis?
No. There are other reasons too icky to mention in this blog.
9.) Is Elvis still alive?