Monday, January 17, 2011

Heat Seeker -This Destined Hit Leaves Us Troubled

THIS DESTINED HIT LEAVES US TROUBLED  What's in the box!?  What's in the box!? No! Really, please tell us what's in the box!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Milos no Sei-Naru Hoshi which is slated to open in July 2, 2011 in Japan is giving us sleepless nights.  This new film being directed by Kzuya Murata and scripted by Yuichi Shinbo was the last thing we expected when the FMA: Brotherhood series finished airing last year.  The series just tied up all the loose ends perfectly...and more importantly, it was faithful to the manga ending. (The manga was written and drawn by Hiromu Arakawa)

Looking at all the online speculation surrounding this anime feature film, a lot of people seem to have a lot of doubts about the quality of the storyline. And since this anime is no longer dependent on Arakawa's original plot, it gets a 50-50 chance of being well-received by die hard fans.

Like a lot of the other FMA fans, we're also passengers of the "anime-must-stick-to-the-original-manga-plot" train of thought.  What is Studio Bones basing the film's storyline on?  We have no idea. 

So, if you know what's in the box, kindly give us a hint.